We did it, we beat out target of making 60 chicks and sent 90 loving little chicks on their way to the children supported by Big C Little Warrior
Here's their thanks to all of you who made this happen

I’m searching for some crafty volunteers…especially those of you who speed knit!
I’ve been asked to help by Carol from Big C Little Warrior (the charity we raised over £80 for at Christmas raffling off her festive toys and whom we helped make over 100 hearts for in January), asking if our lovely customers would be able to knit or crochet some ♥ Cream Egg Covers ♥ to be given to children cancer patients in the area.
We can provide the yarn if needed or of you would like to "stash bust" then that's ok too. You can find pattern below, a crocheted one is to follow. We and are wanting approx 60 sweet chicks, the more the better and these can be knitted or crocheted in yellow or pastel shades. If you can make one or twenty-one, every single one will be used and we would be so grateful.
We would like these back at the shop by 20th March to be sent off to Big C Little Warrior and put inside the individual goody bags for the children. Alternatively they can be sent directly to Big C Little Warrior, details on their website.
I know you can help, because you’re all amazing but if you have any problems please get in touch. Yarn can be collected from our Doncaster shop, unfortunately we won't be able to send out yarn in the post.
Thank you in advance for all your knitty love ♥♥
Knitted Instructions are here

Click below to download the crochet pattern
We enjoy to see your makes in progress. Please share pictures of your chicks with us on our Facebook VIP Group or on Instagram. Just like this brood made by Pearl.

We need your lovely chicks
(come back soon to see the running total of chicks collected)
♥ 95 ♥
