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How to find your crafty mojo

Writer's picture: Liz MyersLiz Myers

Updated: Feb 2, 2021

It's either all or nothing right? One minute you have so many projects on the go and not enough time, the next you're surrounded by bags of unfinished objects (UFOs) and no motivation. Suddenly you feel overwhelmed with it all and want to ditch the lot!

Sound familiar? Well we've all been there for different reasons so we've compiled a list of ways you can find your mojo again and get working on those projects.

  1. Find inspiration in books, magazines or online. Search Pinterest and Instagram for themes you are interested in #crochet #knitting #patchwork #macrame #alpacawool #embroidery #dressmaking #sockknitting. Even look at luxurious online stores or Etsy for homewares or clothing you may like. Louise suggests getting out all your books and magazines you may have accumulated and sit down with a coffee, pen & paper and write a list of anything that looks interesting which you may want to try. Those old patterns may still have appeal you've forgotten about!

  2. Sort out your stash and put it in view for a few days. As you walk by you may fall in love with it again. Julie suggests putting a project together in a little project bag (yarn, hook, pattern, tape measure, scissors) ready to pick up when you feel ready.

  3. Tackle a simple project first. It could be just knitting a scarf or fingerless mitts or sewing a new cushion - something simple that can be done whilst the kettle boils or to do with your morning cuppa.

  4. Invest in a new book or kit. Whilst there are lots of free downloads for knitting and crochet patterns there's nothing as lovely as a new book. Our baby knitting books contain lots of gorgeous items, be it a pair of bootees, a blanket or a gorgeous twinset!

  5. Find your spot. Try and find a dedicated space for you to enjoy your craft. If it's at the kitchen table clear the clutter and make your surroundings easy to work on. If you knit in the daytime, find a spot where the sun shines to feel the warmth on your skin, listen to music, maybe add a plant or a bird table in the garden for you to watch between rows. If sewing means rearranging your dining table each time you want to sew something, think how you could make things easier.

  6. Try something new: if you're a knitter, try crochet or macramé; if you normally make patchwork quilts try sewing a garment instead. Same with cooking, challenge yourself to a new dish to add to your repertoire.

  7. Check your tools. Maybe your tools are letting you down. No one needs a rotary cutter that doesn't perform or a temperamental sewing machine! We invest a lot of hours in our projects so make sure you are using the best tools you can afford.

  8. Focus on an occasion. Christmas is a great occasion to work towards but even Santa would tire of this 12 months of the year, right? New babies, summer holidays (what are they?), Easter and even Valentines Day are lovely bright and cheery occasions that should be celebrated and brightened up with simple handmade gifts. A toy rabbit for Easter, a felted wreath for Spring, some summery bunting for the garden and a little something with alpaca for Valentines day!

  9. Donate to charity. There are many local and national calls for crafters to make things. If you find you don't want to make for yourself or family then seek out charities who need your help. Doncaster & Bassetlaw hospital put out a plea for Twiddlemuffs , Bonding Hearts and Gowns & Face Coverings. We were able to send off over 80 knitted and crocheted hats in December to homeless charities across the north of England and they're still coming in. I hope to send off more at the end of this year.

  10. Find a crafty friend or two! Although we're in another lockdown we are still able to meet 'virtually'. We have started to host more Zoom meetings amongst our students and customers and new people are always welcome to join. The Knit & Stitch VIP group over in Facebook is a good place to start. If you don't do social media then contact us and we can put you in touch with the right group or host to join a virtual group.

Although we miss our groups and we cannot physically shop or interact we should be thankful for delivery drivers who can bring new supplies to our doorsteps and social interactions of social media Zoom meetings!

I'd love to know how you get on or, if you have any other ideas that have helped you let us know in the comments.


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